Moje spostrzeżenia po 3 latach pracy w branży MLW tym wpisie chciałem podzielić się z Tobą moimi przemyśleniami, które mam nadzieje pozwolą Ci zwiększyć efektywność Twojej pracy oraz…Jul 7, 20212Jul 7, 20212
Dota 2 — valid career path or just extraordinary form of entertainmentConcise game presentation with an emphasis on the eSport scene.Jul 20, 20192Jul 20, 20192
Published inTowards Data ScienceCoding Deep Learning for Beginners — Linear Regression (Part 3): Training with Gradient DescentThis is the 5th article of series “Coding Deep Learning for Beginners”. You will be able to find here links to all articles, agenda, and…Aug 23, 20188Aug 23, 20188
Published inTowards Data ScienceCoding Deep Learning for Beginners — Linear Regression (Part 2): Cost FunctionThis is the 4th article of series “Coding Deep Learning for Beginners”. Here, you will be able to find links to all articles, agenda, and…Aug 8, 20183Aug 8, 20183
Published inTowards Data ScienceCoding Deep Learning for Beginners — Linear Regression (Part 1): Initialization and PredictionThis is the 3rd article of series “Coding Deep Learning for Beginners”. Here, you will be able to find links to all articles, agenda, and…Aug 1, 20182Aug 1, 20182
Published inTowards Data ScienceCoding Deep Learning For BeginnersTypes of Machine LearningJul 25, 20182Jul 25, 20182
Published inAzimoLabsBuilding a statistical analysis tech stackIn “A data-driven approach to finding the truth” we introduced our statistical analysis project, Delivery Times Intelligence (DTI). In this…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Published inTowards Data ScienceCoding Deep Learning for Beginners — Start!Intuition based series of articles about Neural Networks dedicated to programmers who want to understand basic math behind the code and…Feb 12, 20183Feb 12, 20183
Published inAzimoLabsStory behind AutomationTestSupervisor — our custom made tool for Android automation testsAutomationTestSupervisor is a Python tool that is capable of creating, running Android Virtual Devices, building and installing .apk files…Oct 25, 20171Oct 25, 20171
Published inAzimoLabsGuide to make custom ViewAction: Solving problem of NestedScrollView in EspressoHow to deal with scrolling inside NestedScrollView in automation tests.May 30, 20172May 30, 20172